Some Thoughts and Reflections on the Occasion of Nicolaus Copernicus’ 552nd Birthday

Where are all the Astronomers? Author’s note: this article first appeared on our Substack and is reproduced here as a courtesy to our supporters and patrons. “Where are the Astronomers?” was the question that crossed my mind over 2 years ago when I first searched Substack for like-minded individuals such as myself. Born in 1473,[…]

Eclipse Hysteria and Delusional Thinking

Some counties in Texas have issued a disaster declaration ahead of the total eclipse that will occur on April 8 Background and Context Next month, on April 8, a total solar eclipse will grace the North American Continent. Starting in the Pacific Ocean off the southwest coast of Mexico, the 198 km-wide path (Nazas, Durango,[…]

Astronomy For Change is now on Rumble!

In addition to our YouTube channel, we have established ourselves on the video hosting platform Rumble. Over the coming days, we will be populating existing videos, already published on YouTube, as well as new content on Rumble. The videos published thus far on Rumble: Overview of James Webb Space Telescope Deep Field Confirming Evolutionary Theories[…]

November’s ‘New’ Super Moon is First of Five New Supermoons

We often speak of a “Super Moon” within the context of the Full Moon phase, rather than its opposite, the ‘New’ moon. The New moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle when the moon is aligned with the earth and the sun with the moon towards the sun. It is the only phase of[…]

Stunning Compact Galaxy Group Imaged By JWST

Full 6 waveband Composite Image of Stephan’s Quintet In the ERO release images of this group of galaxies by NASA, much to do was made about their interaction. In the NASA release, NIrCam (near IR) and MIRI (mid IR) data were included in the composite images. While it was briefly mentioned in the news release,[…]

Full Hunter’s Moon Sunday, October 9th

The Hunter’s Moon The full moon following the “Harvest Moon” is known as the Hunter’s Moon. This year, that occurs on Sunday, October 9 at 8:54 PM (UTC), 4:54 PM (EDT). As the name suggests before the invention of the electric light, the light of the full moon gave aid to the farmers and hunters[…]

James Webb Space Telescope Deep Field Confirms Evolutionary Theories of The Early Universe (Video)

The tiny red dot at the center of this image is our galaxy of interest, z13.1,13.1 billion light years distant. Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis, the process by which heavy elements are synthesized in the cores of high-mass stars, was ongoing in this galaxy less than 700 million years after the big bang. Note: this video is[…]

James Webb Space Telescope, An Orbiting Observatory for the next Decade

The successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has placed the orbiting observatory on the path to become the premier space platform for the next decade and beyond! On Christmas Day, 2021 the world witnessed the launch of JWST, by all accounts a brilliant launch in its precision and timing! That launch put[…]

Three of Summer’s Favorite Star Clusters

In this video, we present three favorite star clusters of summer for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. We open looking due south at twilight for mid-northern latitudes and note brilliant Venus setting as it follows the sun and Scorpio on the meridian with Sagittarius due east. Scorpio with red Supergiant Antares, the heart of the[…]

Late July, Early August Sky, 2021 (Video including Three of Summer’s Favorite Star Clusters)

 Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 25th. With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed somewhat since last week. In the morning, Mercury is in Cancer with the sun and lost in the solar glare before sunrise. The evening sky sees Venus remaining prominently placed[…]

The Sky Tonight for the week Beginning July 25th (Podcast)

Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 25th. With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed somewhat since last week. In the morning, Mercury is in Cancer with the sun and lost in the solar glare before sunrise. The evening sky sees Venus remaining prominently placed with[…]

The Sky Tonight for The Week of July 18, 2021

With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed slightly since last week. Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 18th. Sunday, July 18th, we have brilliant Venus and ruddy red Mars still well placed in the Southwest sky and setting at 9:50 PM, EDT, following the sun[…]

Electron Capture Supernova Observed

Using the Keck Observatory’s Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and DEep Imaging and Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) attached to the 10 meter telescopes on Mauna Kea, we’ve observed a long-postulated, third type of supernova, an “Electron Capture” supernova. It is believed, based on composite imaging across multiple spectral regimes, the famous Crab Nebula may have been[…]

Hubble 31st Anniversary Observation of Luminous Blue Supergiant Star

By James Daly, Ph.D NASA Video at foot of article NASA Hubblesite news release here On the occasion of the Hubble Space Telescope’s 31st successful year in orbit last Saturday (4/24, launch date: 4/24/1990), the iconic orbiting telescope was tasked with capturing AG Carinae, a blue supergiant star in the southern constellation of Carina. This[…]

Spring is Galaxy Season!

A quick video showing the placement of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies with the massive elliptical galaxy Messier-87 at its center. Imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope, M-87 is shown here surrounded by thousands of globular star clusters. Our Milky Way galaxy, a member of the Local Cluster of Galaxies is, in turn, a member[…]

Mars2020 Perseverance Video Series

We recently produced a multi-part series of videos showcasing the amazing physics and technology of the Mars2020 Rover Perseverance. This series specifically focused on the physics necessary to safely and successfully get the rover to the martian surface. Coming soon, we will continue our coverage of the mission, showcasing new discoveries and milestones such as[…]

The Amazing Physics of Mars2020 Perseverance, Destination Mars! (video)

Link to video below With this video, Dr. Jim Daly of Astronomy For Change presents Part 1 of a multi-part series on the amazing physics and technology behind the brilliant journey and successful landing of the Mars2020 Perseverance Rover. In this first video, Dr. Daly will discuss and describe the basic physics behind the mission[…]

The Mystery and Wonder of Astronomy – True Structure of Spiral Galaxies first determined visually (video)

Video Link Below With this video we introduce a new program feature at Astronomy for Change: “The Mystery and Wonder of Astronomy”. The true structure of spiral galaxies, as yet undetermined into the first quarter of the 20th century with Edwin Hubble, Harlow Shapley, Heber Curtis and Fritz Zwicky making great strides in determining the[…]

Tribute to Larry King with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson – Part 3 (video)

Link to video below As we all mourn the passing of Larry King, an icon, a professional with an uncommon sense of honesty, integrity and decency, a giant among journalists and communicators, let us remember him as a science communicator as well, the “middle-man” as such, between the science professional and the common man. Link[…]

Tribute to Larry King with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson – Part 2 (video)

Link to video below As we all mourn the passing of Larry King, an icon, a professional with an uncommon sense of honesty, integrity and decency, a giant among journalists and communicators, let us remember him as a science communicator as well, the “middle-man” as such, between the science professional and the common man. Link[…]

The #FlatEarth Phenomenon DeBunked, Part I (video)

Related articles linked at the foot of this page In this first of a series video, Dr. Jim Daly of Astronomy For Change discusses (and debunks) the growing Flat Earth Phenomenon. Related articles The #FlatEarth Phenomenon DeBunked, Part I (video) Update: Real #Science Answers to #FlatEarth Claims Real #Science Answers to #FlatEarth Claims The #EarthIsFlat[…]

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