Climate Change is an Existential Threat to All Life on Earth, A Solution

Climate Change is an Existential Threat to All Life on the Planet and to the Continuance of the Human Species as the dominant life form on the planet. By James Daly, Ph.D That’s a pretty bleak outlook and as stark as it gets but, sadly, it’s the truth regardless of how many politicians choose to[…]

Thoughts on a Double-sun Sunset, the Doomsday Clock and the Fermi Paradox

Opinion I’m an Astronomer and Astrophysicist by training and profession and care deeply about all living things, the state of our world and the planet we inhabit. In studying the universe and the natural world most of my life, I have come to learn a few things; among those, I’ve come to learn about the[…]

Cosmic First #KiloNova #Explosion From #NeutronStar Merger – #GravityWave Event Visual Confirmation (video)

On 3 October of 2017, in what the prestigious Royal Swedish Academy described simply as “a discovery that shook the world”, three Americans were awarded that year’s Nobel Prize in Physics “for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves”, waves famously predicted by Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 105[…]

Should we or could we ‘Nuke’ #Mars? #NukeMars (Video)

In our latest video, Dr. Jim Daly of Astronomy for Change discusses the recent interest in colonizing Mars through ‘Terraforming’. Elon Musk is pushing the idea of rapidly warming the surface of the Red Planet using clean Nuclear Fusion ‘bombs’ and thus rapidly increasing the planet’s average surface temperature. Through a thoughtful choice of the[…]

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