Did You Know That The Blue Sky Is Really “Black”

The sky is actually black, but have you ever wondered why it is blue? A lot of other smart people think the sky is blue, when in reality is black but due to white light have see it blue.                         The light from the[…]

September Harvest Moon and Other Special Celestial Highlights

Two notable events occur this month, the Harvest (Full) Moon tomorrow, Friday, 16 September and the Autumnal Equinox on Thursday, 22 September. In fact, they’re both linked. The full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox is known as the “Harvest Moon”, a designation indicting that the light of the full moon gave aid to the[…]

The Mystery of Philae, Missing for Two Years, Solved!

Remember the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko and the intrepid little lander, Philae that went missing, was subsequently found and then went quiet again? Well, the mystery has been solved. High-resolution cameras aboard ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft have found Philae, wedged into a crack and in the shadow of a cliff on the[…]

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