Three of Summer’s Favorite Star Clusters

In this video, we present three favorite star clusters of summer for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. We open looking due south at twilight for mid-northern latitudes and note brilliant Venus setting as it follows the sun and Scorpio on the meridian with Sagittarius due east. Scorpio with red Supergiant Antares, the heart of the[…]

Late July, Early August Sky, 2021 (Video including Three of Summer’s Favorite Star Clusters)

 Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 25th. With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed somewhat since last week. In the morning, Mercury is in Cancer with the sun and lost in the solar glare before sunrise. The evening sky sees Venus remaining prominently placed[…]

The Sky Tonight for the week Beginning July 25th (Podcast)

Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 25th. With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed somewhat since last week. In the morning, Mercury is in Cancer with the sun and lost in the solar glare before sunrise. The evening sky sees Venus remaining prominently placed with[…]

The Sky Tonight for The Week of July 18, 2021

With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed slightly since last week. Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 18th. Sunday, July 18th, we have brilliant Venus and ruddy red Mars still well placed in the Southwest sky and setting at 9:50 PM, EDT, following the sun[…]

The Sky Tonight for week Beginning July 11th, 2021

With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed slightly since last week’s premier installment of our weekly sky tonight program. Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 11th. Sunday, July 11th, we have brilliant Venus and ruddy red Mars beautifully flanking the 46-hour old waxing crescent moon,[…]

The Sky Tonight week Beginning July 4th (Video)

With this first installment, we begin a new program feature here at Astronomy for Change, the weekly “Sky Tonight” broadcast. Each week on Friday or Saturday, we’ll post a short podcast and video of the coming week’s sky and what to look for. Sunday, July 4th (Independence Day in the US), we have brilliant Venus[…]

The Sky Tonight week Beginning July 4th (Podcast)

With this first installment, we begin a new program feature here at Astronomy for Change, the weekly “Sky Tonight” broadcast. Each week on Friday or Saturday, we’ll post a short podcast and video of the coming week’s sky and what to look for. Sunday, July 4th (Independence Day in the US), we have brilliant Venus[…]

Ethereal Splendor of The Milky Way’s Galactic Center

Image credit: Adrien Mauduit of Night Lights Films In this June, 2019 view from Vicuña, south of the Atacama Desert Plateau, Chile, home to ESO’s Very Large Telescope Complex, we stand in awe of the Milky Way’s Galactic Center front and center. Brilliant Jupiter is ‘below’ (east) of red-orange Antares and the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud[…]

Starlink Poses an Existential Threat to Ground-Based Astronomy

Opinion by James Daly, Ph.D, Astronomer, Curator and Author We’ve written extensively on this subject as it is impossible to overstate the threat to ground-based Astronomy this project poses and have chronicled the various professional facilities and how they will be effected: #SpaceX #Starlink Project Tops Shortlist Of Really Bad Ideas #Starlink (#SpaceX) Update and[…]

Perseid Meteor Shower 2020 #Perseids #Perseids2020 #Perseid #MeteorShower

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual event that generally occurs each year during the 2nd week in August as the Earth passes through the same debris field left behind by comet Swift–Tuttle. This year the shower peaks on the morning of August 12. Unlike last year, however, the moon is at 3rd quarter and[…]

The Ten Brightest Stars (and where they are, with video) – 2. Vega

This is the second installment of our ten-part series on the brightest stars and, with it, we’re pleased to present Vega, the “Contact Star” (made famous by the feature-length Hollywood production of the same name, starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey). Vega, at 25 light-years distant, is the fifth brightest star in the sky and[…]

Some Common Questions in Astronomy (Part I)

Here at Astronomy for Change we often get questions, good questions, about various topics in astronomy. Here’s a sampling of some of the more common questions received as of late: Which planets we can see from earth What star did sailors use to navigate? Why is Sirius so easy to find in the night sky?[…]

The Ten Brightest Stars (and where they are, with video) – 1. Arcturus

Link to video at foot of page Back in 2016 we published an article Where are the five brightest stars in our sky? Since then, this article has been one of our most popular and, accordingly, we’re going to continue the discussion, expanding the list from 5 (6, really, when you consider the sun) to[…]

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