Vernal Equinox, 2022

The Vernal Equinox, the Astronomical beginning of spring, occurs this year on Sunday, 20 March, 2022 (today) at 15:33 UTC (11:33 AM EDT). What’s so special about this event? 12 equal hours of daylight and darkness everywhere on the planet. The beginning of Astronomical Autumn for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere The sun rises[…]

The Sky Tonight for week Beginning July 11th, 2021

With this edition of the sky tonight, the sky has changed slightly since last week’s premier installment of our weekly sky tonight program. Today we look at the sky for the week beginning Sunday, July 11th. Sunday, July 11th, we have brilliant Venus and ruddy red Mars beautifully flanking the 46-hour old waxing crescent moon,[…]

The Great #Conjunction of #Jupiter and #Saturn, 2020 (video)

In this video, Dr. Jim Daly presents and discusses this once-in-a-century event: the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, 2020, an event occurring on December 21st, the Winter Solstice, and an event that won’t be repeated again until the year 2080, 60 years hence. The University of Exeter (in the UK) will host a live-stream[…]

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