The Ten Brightest Stars (and where they are), with videos – 6, Capella

    Time-lapse video of Capella rising at 11:00 PM EDT through 1:45 AM EDT Capella is the 3rd brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere. What would happen if we replaced the sun with it? We explore that question in our full-featured video below. This isn’t just some hypothetical exercise; it helps us better understand[…]

New JWST Imagery and Data Suggest Neutron Star As Probable Supernova Remnant at Heart of SNR1987a

Supernova remnant SNR-1987a is one of the closest and most studied of any supernova or supernova remnant since Kepler’s supernova in 1604. It was one of the first objects observed with the newly deployed Hubble Space Telescope in 1991 and, thus, the first -and closest supernova- to be observed with a modern observing platform. Although[…]

JWST Observes Spectacular Evolution of Supernova Remnant SN1987A

Supernova 1987a was the closest supernova to be observed since Kepler’s supernova in 1604. It was one of the first objects observed with the newly deployed Hubble Space Telescope in 1991 and thus, the first -and closest supernova- to be observed with a modern observing platform. Although it is named and designated according to the[…]

The Universe is Still 13.8 Billion Years Old

Using data and imagery obtained with the JWST, a recent study claims the universe is now 26.7 billion years old. We will unequivocally show that the age of the universe is still 13.77 Gyr. One of the principal reasons the JWST mission was conceived in the first place was to test existing theories and current[…]

Betelgeuse – 2 Great New Videos from Astronomy For Change!

Does the Brightening of Betelgeuse Portend The Immanent Occurrence of a New Galactic Supernova?   Betelgeuse is at it again. Back in 2019, the red supergiant star, the bright and iconic right-shoulder of Orion had dimmed dramatically and uncharacteristically resulting in a flurry of speculation that the star was about to end its life in[…]

An Irish Graduate Student Discovers Pulsars, An English Man gets the Nobel Prize

To suffer is to learn humility, true humility. Jocelyn Bell, no doubt, suffered in silence from the insult and the culture that led to it, one of the greatest professional injustices in modern academia. Given my Irish heritage, I have a particular interest in this story and, although the title could be a trigger or[…]

Electron Capture Supernova Observed

Using the Keck Observatory’s Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and DEep Imaging and Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) attached to the 10 meter telescopes on Mauna Kea, we’ve observed a long-postulated, third type of supernova, an “Electron Capture” supernova. It is believed, based on composite imaging across multiple spectral regimes, the famous Crab Nebula may have been[…]

Hubble 31st Anniversary Observation of Luminous Blue Supergiant Star

By James Daly, Ph.D NASA Video at foot of article NASA Hubblesite news release here On the occasion of the Hubble Space Telescope’s 31st successful year in orbit last Saturday (4/24, launch date: 4/24/1990), the iconic orbiting telescope was tasked with capturing AG Carinae, a blue supergiant star in the southern constellation of Carina. This[…]

Heavy Element NucleoSynthesis In A High mass #Star (narrated video)

Dr. Jim Daly narrates the evolution of a high mass star, describing heavy element nucleosynthesis and how such a star will ultimately end it’s life in a spectacular fashion as a Type-II Core Collapse Supernova. In this video, the evolution of a 15 solar-mass star is depicted from its “0-age” or the point on it’s[…]

Mid-October Night Sky #Planetarium Show (20201015) with #Antares (video)

Dr. James Daly of Astronomy For Change narrates “The Sky Tonight” for for Mid-October. This is our latest Planetarium Show where we tour the waning skies of summer and focus on the third star in our list of the 10 brightest stars, Antares. Imagination is more important than knowledge An index of all articles can[…]

The Ten Brightest Stars (and where they are, with video) – 3. Antares

Related videos available at the foot of the page. With this third in installment in our ten-part series on the ten brightest stars we’re pleased to present the red supergiant star Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion. Derived from the Greek, the star’s name refers to it as a “rival to-Ares” (“opponent to-Mars”) with a[…]

Some Common Questions in Astronomy (Part I)

Here at Astronomy for Change we often get questions, good questions, about various topics in astronomy. Here’s a sampling of some of the more common questions received as of late: Which planets we can see from earth What star did sailors use to navigate? Why is Sirius so easy to find in the night sky?[…]

The Star That Wouldn’t Die

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. there was this star that, by all known theories of stellar evolution (the study of how stars are born, live and die), should have died. Many stories in the media lately have described this star as the “Zombie” star since, contrary to what should have[…]

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