An Irish Graduate Student Discovers Pulsars, An English Man gets the Nobel Prize

To suffer is to learn humility, true humility. Jocelyn Bell, no doubt, suffered in silence from the insult and the culture that led to it, one of the greatest professional injustices in modern academia. Given my Irish heritage, I have a particular interest in this story and, although the title could be a trigger or[…]

Iconic #Arecibo Radio Telescope Collapses!

This is a follow-up story to recent developments at Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Radio Observatory. At 7:53:50 AM EST, December 1st, the observatory’s radio transceiver superstructure, suspended above the 305-meter spherical radio dish, collapsed and fell to the dish below (watch video at the foot of this article). The NSF news release reporting the event follows:[…]

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