#SKAO Officially Launches! The Square Kilometer Array Observatory Officially Opens!

Rather than rewrite the story, we’ll reproduce today’s news release here in its entirety: The Square Kilometre Array Public Website Square Kilometre Array Exploring the Universe with the world’s largest radio telescope SKAO is born – Launch of international Observatory signals new era for radio astronomy Nighttime composite image of the SKA combining all elements[…]

Iconic #Arecibo Radio Telescope Collapses!

This is a follow-up story to recent developments at Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Radio Observatory. At 7:53:50 AM EST, December 1st, the observatory’s radio transceiver superstructure, suspended above the 305-meter spherical radio dish, collapsed and fell to the dish below (watch video at the foot of this article). The NSF news release reporting the event follows:[…]

Invitation To Observe (Radio #Astronomy) #RadioAstronomy

One of our sponsors, Radio Astronomy Supplies, has posted an “Invitation to Observe“, for astronomers (Amateur or Professional) to participate in exploratory radio observations of the rich galaxy cluster in the constellation Coma Berencies. The details follow: Imagination is more important than knowledge An index of all articles can be found here. If you enjoyed[…]

#Starlink (#SpaceX) Update and It’s Not Good News for #Astronomers

In June of last year, we published a story on the launch of a brand-new SpaceX mission, Starlink, an ostensible name really that has nothing to do with linking to the stars (whatever that means) rather, it would be more like eclipsing them. This is an update to that story and the news isn’t good[…]

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