The Roots of the ‘Galactic Rotation’ Problem and the Quest for ‘Dark Matter’

How a fundamental misunderstanding of basic physics has led to a dead-end search for an entity that doesn’t exist The Aether Classic physics requires a medium of propagation for a mechanical wave such as a sound wave, a water wave or seismic waves such as P or S waves. The primary function of a mechanical[…]

Stunning Compact Galaxy Group Imaged By JWST

Full 6 waveband Composite Image of Stephan’s Quintet In the ERO release images of this group of galaxies by NASA, much to do was made about their interaction. In the NASA release, NIrCam (near IR) and MIRI (mid IR) data were included in the composite images. While it was briefly mentioned in the news release,[…]

Spring is Galaxy Season!

A quick video showing the placement of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies with the massive elliptical galaxy Messier-87 at its center. Imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope, M-87 is shown here surrounded by thousands of globular star clusters. Our Milky Way galaxy, a member of the Local Cluster of Galaxies is, in turn, a member[…]

The Mystery and Wonder of Astronomy – True Structure of Spiral Galaxies first determined visually (video)

Video Link Below With this video we introduce a new program feature at Astronomy for Change: “The Mystery and Wonder of Astronomy”. The true structure of spiral galaxies, as yet undetermined into the first quarter of the 20th century with Edwin Hubble, Harlow Shapley, Heber Curtis and Fritz Zwicky making great strides in determining the[…]

Invitation To Observe (Radio #Astronomy) #RadioAstronomy

One of our sponsors, Radio Astronomy Supplies, has posted an “Invitation to Observe“, for astronomers (Amateur or Professional) to participate in exploratory radio observations of the rich galaxy cluster in the constellation Coma Berencies. The details follow: Imagination is more important than knowledge An index of all articles can be found here. If you enjoyed[…]

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