Powerful Solar Blast Heralds Sun’s Strong Rise to Next Summer’s Solar Maximum (with video)

The Sun in the Extreme Ultraviolet Strong Rise in Solar Activity With the magnitude and frequency of solar flares increasing along with the accompanying Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), the Sun continues its strong rise towards next summer’s probable record-setting Solar Maximum. After May’s series of powerful flares and CMEs, the latest outburst occurred on July[…]

A Powerful Solar Eruption!

A powerful M-class solar flare erupted on the sun at 5:48 AM, EDT (01:48 UTC), July 18 2023. In this video obtained from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the powerful M-5.7 solar flare is clearly visible at the 4:00 position. The video is a composite produced from 3 discrete wavebands in the extreme ultraviolet region of[…]

Recent Solar Flares Herald Rise In Solar Activity

The sun as recorded in the extreme ultraviolet part of the spectrum by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) between July 6 and July 10. Pay particular attention to the bright orange-pink outburst that occurs on July 8 at the 10:00 position on the solar disk. This was a magnitude 2.6 M-Class flare, a classification one[…]

Spectacular Solar Flare Captured by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in Full HD with extra content (video)

Video link below We were reminded of the enormous power of our home star on November 29 of last year (2020), when NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a powerful Solar Flare, entitled the ‘Anemone’ Eruption’! In this video, Dr. James Daly presents and discusses our sun and the spectacular display witnessed on November 29, 2020.[…]

Amazing Science News! Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Captures Spectacular Solar Eruption! (video)

Link to video below. We were reminded of the enormous power of our home star on November 29 of last year (2020), when NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a powerful Solar Flare, entitled the ‘Anemone’ Eruption’!In this video, Dr. James Daly presents and discusses our sun and the spectacular display witnessed on November 29, 2020.[…]

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