The Roots of the ‘Galactic Rotation’ Problem and the Quest for ‘Dark Matter’

How a fundamental misunderstanding of basic physics has led to a dead-end search for an entity that doesn’t exist The Aether Classic physics requires a medium of propagation for a mechanical wave such as a sound wave, a water wave or seismic waves such as P or S waves. The primary function of a mechanical[…]

Update: Dark Matter – Chasing A Ghost That Doesn’t Exist

Hubble Space Telescope image of UGC 12158, a “Grand Design” barred spiral (Sb D) galaxy, 384 million light years distant in the constellation Pegasus. With a distinct bar in its nuclear region and 140,000 light years in diameter, it is believed to be similar in size and structure to our home galaxy, the Milky Way.[…]

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