#Perseid Meteor Shower, Waxing Crescent #Moon, Early August Sky, 2019

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In this video, we take a quick look at the early August sky at twilight and move on, later into the night, taking a look at the major planets (Jupiter and Saturn, in Scorpio and Sagittarius, respectively), a quick look at the early Autumn constellations, rising much later into the night.

We then take an in-depth look at the Perseid Meteor shower, famously known to occur during the first half of August, describing the shower’s origin (and what meteors are – small bits of rock and debris, remnants left behind from the passage of a comet). In the case of the Perseids, that comet was Swift-Tuttle.

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The opening scene, illustrated above as the opening for this video, is a live view of the early twilight sky tonight and shows the waxing crescent moon with Earth-shine.

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